Focusing on the 5th Forum of Macau Humanities and Social Sciences Education Forum – Teaching Materials and Methods of Chinese Language in Macao
On the afternoon of December 14, 2024, the 5th Macao Humanities and Social Sciences Education Forum was held in the Cultural Building of the University of Macau (UM). Educators from all walks of life in Macao gathered together to engage in in-depth and fruitful discussions around the key topic of “Teaching Materials and Methods of Chinese language in Macao”. The guests attending this forum cover various fields including academia, education management
The Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated to SISU visits the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre
On August 27th, the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre (CPC) received a delegation of teachers and students from the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated (SFLS) to SISU at the Cultural Building of UM, including 15 students and 2 teachers. Prof. Zhang Jing, Director of CPC, Prof. Sara Santos, Program Director of the Department of Portuguese of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Dr. Lu Chunhui, and Dr. Luís Pires accompanied
UM Confucius Institute organizes a student gathering to celebrate the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival and Confucius Day
The Confucius Institute at the University of Macau held a student gathering to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and Confucius Day on 21st September. As one of the biggest traditional festivals in China, the Mid-Autumn Festival is undoubtedly a good opportunity for students to learn more about traditional Chinese culture and experience Chinese festivals and customs. This Mid-Autumn Festival and Confucius Day celebration is one of a series of cultural experience
Successful Conclusion of the 2024 Summer Student Researcher Training Programme: Students Showcase Impressive Results
Successful Conclusion of the 2024 Summer Student Researcher Training Programme: Students Showcase Impressive Results The “2024 Summer Student Researcher Training Programme” jointly organized by the Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) of the University of Macau, the Macau Model United Nations Promotion Association, and the Macau Observatory for Social Development (MOSD) of the University of Saint Joseph, has successfully concluded. The program attracted 20 university and high school students from Macau.
“澳門國際兒童文學頒獎典禮暨漢語兒童文學研討會” 於澳門大學中國歷史文化中心圓滿落幕
8月16日,首屆 “澳門國際兒童文學獎”頒獎典禮在澳門大學圖書館演講廳內盛大舉行。來自各地的兒童文學創作者、研究專家等逾200位嘉賓齊聚一堂,共同見證了這一文學盛事。“澳門國際兒童文學獎”於2023年9月啟動,是由澳門大學中國歷史文化中心、澳門文化界聯合總會、澳門作家協會、澳門文藝評論家協會、澳門兒童文學協會共同舉辦的具有國際視野的兒童文學獎項評選活動。活動旨在進一步促進兒童文創產業的交流和發展,打造以澳門爲中心,具有權威性、專業性的國際兒童文學盛典,以突顯新時代澳門對國家少兒文化建設事業的貢獻。 \ 頒獎典禮上,澳大副校長莫啟明首先代表校長宋永華發表歡迎詞,指出澳門大學深感榮幸參與這一關乎國家和民族未來文化發展的盛事,尤其是賽事中設立的中華優秀傳統文化題材獎更是意義非凡。中國作家協會副主席吳義勤在致辭中指出,“澳門國際兒童文學獎”在澳門回歸於培養青少年的文學興趣和文化自信,同時也爲澳門的文化繁榮和社會發展注入了新的活力。澳門文化界聯合總會副會長羅崇雯代表會長吳志良致辭時引述澳門學者論文數據指出本地從事文學寫作的作家有近四成關注兒童文學,當中大多爲教育工作者,有助作品更貼切陪伴兒童成長教育的過程;江蘇省對外友好交流協會俞祁代表江蘇省委宣傳部原副部長司錦泉發言指出,“澳門國際兒童文學獎”的設立,正是回應了黨和國家的號召發掘和推廣優秀的兒童文學作品。此次盛會不僅展現了澳門在兒童文學領域的活躍度和創作熱情,也體現了澳門與內地,尤其是江蘇等地在文化交流與合作上的緊密聯繫。 莅臨本次頒獎典禮的嘉賓還包括澳門中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室宣傳文化部副部長殷汝濤和代表成彥希、澳門文化發展基金行政委員會委員許鑫源,澳門大學副校長莫啟明,澳門作家協會會長馬瑩瑩,北京師範大學王泉根、浙江師範大學教授方衛平、南京大學教授王彬彬、暨南大學教授李學武、中國作協《中國當代文學研究》執行主編崔慶蕾、《文藝報》社教鶴然老師、澳大學生事務長彭執中老師等。 8月17日澳大中國歷史文化中心並舉辦“漢語兒童文學研討會”,進一步推動兒童文學的深入研究與交流。此次研討會作爲頒獎盛典的延續,進一步深化了兒童文學的學術探討與交流。研討會上,多位知名學者發表了精彩演講。中國作家協會副主席吳義勤認爲:兒童是祖國的未來,兒童文學的發展對兒童的成長非常重要,希望通過兒童文學研討會,可以提高學界對兒童文學的重視。 北京師範大學教授王泉根深入剖析了兒童文學的基本概念與美學特徵,爲與會者提供了深刻的理論視角。南京大學教授王彬彬則從成人文學的視角出發,提出了“少兒性”這一引人深思的問題,激發了現場的熱烈討論。澳大中國歷史文化中心主任朱壽桐在研討會總結環節中指出:“在今天的研討會上,我們不僅見證了兒童文學領域的深度探索與多元視角的碰撞,更深刻地認識到兒童文學作爲連接過去與未來、成人與兒童的橋梁,其獨特價值與使命所在。兒童文學不僅僅是兒童的專屬讀物,它同樣是成人世界的一扇窗,讓我們得以窺見純真、夢想與希望的光芒。我們應當鼓勵更多的跨學科交流,將歷史學、文化學、社會學等多重視角融入兒童文學的研究與創作中,讓兒童文學成爲反映時代精神、傳承文化精髓的重要載體。” 發言嘉賓還包括浙江師範大學教授方衛平、南京大學教授王彬彬、暨南大學教授李學武、中國作協《中國當代文學研究》執行主編崔慶蕾、《文藝報》社教鶴然老師、江蘇鳳凰少年兒童出版社文學讀物出版中心主任田俊、澳大學生事務長彭執中老師和澳門作家楊穎虹等,研討會不僅加深了學術界對兒童文學的理解與認識,也爲創作者們提供了寶貴的交流平臺。參會者們紛紛表示,此次活動不僅讓他們收穫了知識與啓發,也讓他們感受到了澳門作爲國際文化交流平臺的魅力與潛力。
CCHC successfully held the Lingnan Culture Advanced Seminar for Students of Hong Kong and Macao for cultural inheritance promotion
CCHC successfully held the Lingnan Culture Advanced Seminar for Students of Hong Kong and Macao for cultural inheritance promotion The Centre for China History and Culture (CCHC) successfully held the 7th and 8th Lingnan Culture Advanced Seminar for Students of Hong Kong and Macao. The event is organized by the CCHC of UM, Jinan University (JNU) and co-organized with the Yuet Wah College and Sacred Heart Canossian College. Led by Dr.