The event “Inheritance in the City” aims to spread the fine tradition of the Chinese culture, advance the goal of publicity and promotion on its essences and achievements to Macao teenagers, promote its adoption in campuses, increase teenage recognition and develop their patriotism. It can also show that Macao is characterized by the coexistence of multi-cultural exchanges with Chinese culture as the mainstream.
The Affiliated School of the University of Macau——中華文化獎勵計畫頒章暨薪火相傳禮
Colégio Diocesano de São José (5ª) ——毛筆書法比賽
Escola Choi Nong Chi Tai ——中國文化活動:“書法比賽”及“讀趣無窮”
Kao Yip Middle School ——“青武薈萃”
Escola Tong Nam ——“我愛中華詩詞” 系列活動
Colegio Mateus Ricci —— 五味人生,苦盡甘來
Kwong Tai Middle School Macau ——妙手生華:中國麵塑技藝之美